Inspiring a love of learning in the resilient and confident leaders of tomorrow
Our Vision
We believe all children should have the freedom to learn in a safe and secure environment.
- promote and encourage children’s personal independence, confidence and enthusiasm
- encourage children to believe in themselves and to participate and support each other as active members of our community
- offer opportunities that inspire and inform them
- create a physical environment where children are physically safe and secure
We believe that everyone should experience success and achieve their full potential, knowing that all efforts will be valued.
We aim to:
- provide an education of exceptional quality, promoting the highest possible standards of learning for every child
- provide a creative, broad and balanced curriculum that ‘sparks’ children’s interest and guides each child to develop through a range of skills, knowledge and practical activities
We believe that every member of the school community should show respect and kindness towards one another.
We aim to:
- provide happy, well organised and stimulating settings where all children and staff can work together in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect andwhere children can learn to be tolerant, courteous and considerate
- provide equal educational opportunities and experiences to all children regardless of disability, race, religion or gender
- enrich the lives of our children through fostering respect and understanding of the many cultures represented in our school
We believe the ‘school environment’ should be peaceful and happy.
We aim to:
- teach and promote the development of good working habits, enquiring minds and self discipline and to encourage children to take pride in their work, themselves and their school
- foster a ‘responsible’ environment where all children learn to respect the school’s property and that of others
We believe all children should be able to develop their creativity as a means of self-expression and that every member of the Federation community will follow these guiding principles.
Throughout our Federation there is a shared determination to succeed, we aim to realise our goals by:
- Deploying ‘leaders’ across all phases of the school that are focused on learning for all and in ensuring that our children develop a lifelong desire and love of learning.
- Ensuring that our provision is stimulating and appropriately resourced.
- Providing good quality CPD that includes coaching, mentoring, team teaching and collaborative planning opportunities.
- Encouraging a confidence in the understanding and use of data; where data is analysed and relevant, innovative research is used to inform teaching and improve learning.
- Ensuring that there is equality of opportunity for all, offering children a well planned, broad, creative and balanced curriculum which reflects the cultural diversity of the school community.
- Encouraging effective partnership and communication with parents and members of our local and wider community.