
At Altmore we want to develop children to cope with the problems life throws at them and we want children to make sense of the world around them. Our teaching of maths provides children with a positive attitude to their learning and helps them grow into fluent, confident and competent mathematicians. They have regular opportunities to learn basic mathematical concepts collaboratively, discussing the best strategy to use and developing their reasoning and problem-solving skills.

We want to encourage a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about mathematics by providing a rich, varied and challenging curriculum to enable children make the connections to achieve greater depth in their learning. We hope to break the ‘fear’ factor surrounding Maths and show them that it can be relevant and fun even when it challenges us.


Maths provision is embedded across the setting and children are able to use and apply their developing mathematical knowledge in ‘real life’ contexts. Teachers use the White Rose schemes of work to plan. Provision is planned with open ended outcomes, to enable children to achieve their next steps. Whole class carpet sessions are planned to teach key concepts. Following these teaching sessions provision is available for children to explore and consolidate their learning. In addition small group ‘focus’ teaching sessions are planned. These sessions are child friendly and practical. Children are encouraged to talk about and communicate their ideas in a wide range of situations and to practise and extend their range of vocabulary and numeracy skills.

In KS1

Maths long term, medium term and weekly planning documents are created for Year 1 and Year 2 which give staff guidance about what resources to use and teaching approaches. All learners access teaching of content which matches the expectations of the National Curriculum. The teaching and learning is structured around the White Rose schemes of work ensuring that mathematics is experienced through concrete resources, mathematical images and abstract numbers.

This is called the CPA approach. The long term plans make clear what is taught building on prior knowledge. The medium term plan links clearly to the long term plan and gives an overview of the intended learning. The weekly plans are a sequence of lessons, outlining key vocabulary and differentiated activities. The classroom is also key to effective teaching and learning. An ethos where everyone feels safe and valued encourages independence and gives children autonomy over their learning is encouraged.

Our classroom environments are stimulating and creative and children have access to resources and clear rules for their use. Rich talk and discussions between teachers and children enhance development and constant probing and questioning is incorporated into our everyday teaching.

Useful Links


Numbots is an on-line Maths platform for boosting addition and subtraction skills. Playing little and often will significantly improve children’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts, which are critical foundations in Maths.

Times Table Rock Stars

Times Table Rock Stars is an on-line learning resource we use. TTRS helps children to learn their times tables and related division facts. TTRS is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so. We use these resources as part of our home learning offer.

Family Maths Toolkit

The “Family Maths toolkit” is to support families learning Maths together. It is full of ideas and activities to enjoy working through together to improve your Maths. Following the link below will take you to the toolkit.

BBC – Bitesize
ICT Games
Maths is fun


We consider enrichment activities to be an important part of our children’s learning, providing children with stimulating and engaging practical experiences that support the curriculum and create a love for learning. Throughout the school year, children take part in a variety of enrichment activities. These include: visitors in school, visits from authors, educational visits, competitions, performances and celebrating our ‘Altmore Achievers’ in a weekly assembly.

Inspiring a love of learning in the resilient and confident leaders of tomorrow.