
Pupil Premium

Altmore Infant School Pupil Premium Statement

At Altmore, we use our Pupil Premium funding to enhance the support and interventions that we are able to give to different groups of children. One of the Government’s measures for ‘vulnerable’ groups is the number of children who are entitled to receive free school meals at our school.


The Impact of our support work can be seen in the improving outcomes for children at our school; a consistent trend over the last three years shows a positive picture in terms of their APS (Average Point Score) achievement.

Pupil Premium strategy

The Pupil Premium is an additional annual payment to schools for each ‘disadvantaged’ child that attends their school.

This funding is given in recognition of the fact that, nationally, disadvantaged children do not perform as well as their non-disadvantaged peers. At Altmore Infant School, we recognise that we are a school, with a high percentage of students defined as disadvantaged. We are very proud of the high levels of achievement of all children across our school, whether they are disadvantaged or not.

Please see the links below to see how we use this funding.

Parents will be pleased to know,that as part of our strategic drive for Outstanding Governance within the Federation , members of the Governing Body monitor the Pupil Premium strategy for Altmore.

Finally, I would like to thank all the parents for your continued support in updating your information at the school. Your information sharing, means that we are in a position to report this to the DFE and Local Authority about the pupils and families eligible for this additional funding.

Your support makes a huge difference to the school.

Sarah Rowlands
Executive Headteacher

Sports Premium

Our aim is to raise standards in P.E. and school sport, and increase the participation and opportunities offered to all children.

At Altmore, we continue our partnership with our School Sports Academy. Coaches deliver curriculum sessions that offer all children opportunities to practise skills that they can bring to our competitive teams.

We have extended our After School Programme by providing additional coaches for our Sports Clubs. This has an impact on improving children’s physical lifestyles. The emphasis for these clubs is recreational, performance and competition. This provides a rich programme of learning in and through physical activity which helps children develop a range of skills and confidence in their abilities. As a result the participation has increased and has impacted on children’s enthusiasm to participate in P.E. and talk about sport in a more positive way.

We aim to provide higher quality lessons and improved learning for all.

We have purchased new equipment to motivate and engage the least active children during PE sessions and play/lunchtime sessions as well as after school clubs.

We aim to improve standards and to provide a creative and exciting way to enrich our curriculum contributing to children’s physical activity experiences.

Please find below our latest Sports Premium Impact Report.

Financial Benchmarking

All local authority maintained schools are required to publish annually on their websites the number of individuals (if any) earning over £100k a year. This information is required to be published in bands of £10k.

As of January 2022, no staff at the school earn more than £100k a year. Click on the link to view Altmore’s financial benchmarking, see how it compares with others.