Contact us

We hope that you will find the answer to any questions you may have through the information on this website. If have any further queries or need paper copies of any sections of the website, please contact the School Office.

Altmore Infant School can be contacted by phone, email and post. Please use the following details to get in touch with us.


Altmore Infant School
Altmore Avenue
East Ham
E6 2BX
Executive Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Rowlands
Head of School: Ms Carolyn Marles
SENDCo: Sheila Obeng-Atakora

Telephone: 020 8472 3555

Get directions

How to find us

Our school is situated within the London Borough of Newham Parking Zone E. The hours of operation are Monday-Saturday 8am-6.30pm. We are unable to provide parking spaces for visitors.