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Marvellous Me!

Our new Nursery children have been settling well and learning about ‘Marvellous Me! ‘ and ‘I’m Special!’ We have created self portraits using mark making, natural materials, play dough and collage. We spent time in our groups reading books such as ‘You Choose’ and ‘Would You Rather.’ These books have helped support the children to …

Senses Day

This week, Year 1 children took part in an exciting Senses Day, engaging in workshops that explored the different senses. Through interactive activities, children deepened their understanding of how the senses work making it a fun and impactful learning experience for all.

Fire! Fire!

The children in Year 2 have been exploring their creativity using the Sketches School app on iPads! They have delved into History, creating stunning scenes of the Great Fire of London, inspired by a painting by Lieve Verschuier. This fun and educational use of technology has allowed the children to experiment with different digital techniques …

Marvellous Me Artwork

As part of our Marvellous Me topic learning, Year 1 children have been exploring portraits by a variety of artists such as Van Gogh and Picasso. Children represented the human face using collage and children had lots of fun creating faces. Children explored creating different lines in portraits with ropes and then moved to using …

Year 1 Dots

In Year 1 we have done lots of exciting work based on the book, ‘The Dot’ by Peter H Reynolds.  The book holds a very important message for everyone about not overcoming a fear if you do not have a go, you never know where it will take you! The children explored Wassily Kandinsky’s famous …

Grow Caterpillar, Grow!

As part of our ‘Minibeast’ topic, children had the opportunity to observe the life cycle of a butterfly. They watched intently as the caterpillars grew each day, finally reaching their full size and forming a chrysalis. Children counted the days and waited patiently as the caterpillars transformed and finally emerged as beautiful butterflies. We took …