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Grow Caterpillar, Grow!

As part of our ‘Minibeast’ topic, children had the opportunity to observe the life cycle of a butterfly. They watched intently as the caterpillars grew each day, finally reaching their full size and forming a chrysalis. Children counted the days and waited patiently as the caterpillars transformed and finally emerged as beautiful butterflies. We took …

Healthy Eating Week

Year 2 had the opportunity to create healthy mini-pizzas for Healthy Eating Week. We previously learnt about the eat-well plate, a balanced diet and which foods are best for our bodies. In our lesson, we practised cutting and grating different foods. We then tasted each food to plan our design for our mini pizzas. We …

Plant Explorers

Children in Year 2 visited East Ham Nature Reserve to become ‘Plant Explorers’ this week. They were introduced to lots of different plants and learnt about why they are so important. The children took part in some fun activities such as hunting for specific plants, leaf and tree rubbings and a plant collage. All of …

My City, My Place

This week Year 1 children went on an exciting trip to St James Park in central London. We enjoyed exploring the park which was full of ducks, pigeons and even pelicans! Our mission was to spot some famous London landmarks. We stood on the blue bridge where we were able to see Buckingham Palace and …

What’s in the eggs?

This term, Reception children have had some special visitors, a special delivery of eggs to take care of. We researched and learned all about animals that hatch from eggs and spent some time predicting which animals we thought were inside the eggs. We watched in amazement as ducklings hatched and we all spent time observing …


In Nursery, as part of our topic this term ‘Growth’, children bought a picture of themselves as a baby. Children spoke about how they have changed, what they weren’t able to do then and what they can do now. Children looked at their features and spoke about them whilst drawing a picture of two they …