Online Safety

Our students are growing up in a world where technology is constantly evolving. While we acknowledge the largely positive impact of technology on modern life, we cannot overlook the associated risks.

Throughout their education, we strive to teach children:

  • The effects of cyber-bullying and appropriate actions to take if they encounter it.
  • The importance of being vigilant when communicating online, recognizing that individuals may not always be who they claim to be, and to exercise discretion in sharing personal information.
  • The necessity of confiding in a trusted adult if they encounter anything distressing online.
  • The importance of critically evaluating the reliability of information obtained from web-based sources.
  • Responsible search practices while using internet browsers.
  • We recognize that much of our students’ internet usage occurs at home, where they may not be subject to school filters.

Ensuring online safety is a shared responsibility of both parents and staff, collaborating to guarantee the safety of all users in the virtual or digital realm. The same standards of safe and acceptable behaviour applicable in our communities should also be upheld online.

Below is a compilation of useful websites, advice, and resources that can assist you in addressing online safety issues with your child.
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Useful Websites

UK Safer Internet Centre
Internet Matters
Think You Know
Parent Zone
National College
Own It

A Guide to Apps & Social Media

The number of apps and social media channels your child could be exposed to grow all the time, as does an app’s functionality. We recommend you visit Net Aware to read the latest and most current advice on over 70 apps to ensure you know what they do, how you can limit their features as well as recommended age restrictions.

What Parents Need to Know Guides

The following guides have been provided by National Online Safety.