Speak Out and Stay Safe campaign

What a good week we’ve all had this week. Year 2’s are really working hard and completing their special work (KS1 SATs), a big “Thank you” to Sophie and the Year 2 team for enabling our children to apply what they’ve learnt and to be so confident in the way that they are approaching these sessions.

“Thank you” to all Year 1 parents who were able to join Lynn and Sheila for the information sessions regarding the Year 1 Phonics screening check. We’re intending to start the assessments after the half-term holiday (w/b 06.06.22).

We enjoyed a visit from our newly elected Ward councillors who were supporting LBN’s Healthy School Streets team. This coincided with Walk to School Week, all children are being encouraged to ‘walk to/from school’ to promote healthier lifestyle choices. “Thank you” Ceri for organising this.

We are all also enjoying our weekly music and singing assemblies, “Thank you” Shiva for co-ordinating this with colleagues from Newham Music.

I’m very pleased to say that Tosin, from LBN’s school health team has re-visited to complete the school health hearing screening for Year R children who were absent during her initial visit. “Thank you” to all parents who have followed-up on advice received.

“Congratulations” to all children who Carolyn presented Altmore Achiever awards to – you really deserve the recognition, WELL DONE!

This week we are looking forward to:

  • Celebrating London History Day (31.05.22). The theme this year is resilience, “Thank you” Will for organising such a fun and informative programme for us all, I’m looking forward to seeing (and guessing) which famous Londoner everyone has dressed-up as.
  • Discussing World Hunger Day in Wednesday’s assembly, raising awareness that being hungry and not having enough food is happening around us now. I hope that children will come home and tell you all about their learning.
  • Participating in the NSPCC’s Speak Out and Stay Safe campaign. Children will be talking about Buddy who is a friendly, green speech bubble, ‘he’ believes that children should be able to speak out if something is making them worried or unhappy.
  • Preparations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Please keep checking Seesaw for activities and events that teachers are planning for everyone, including during the half-term holidays. We are intending to have a Platinum Jubilee Week when we come back after the half-term holiday.
  • Getting ready for the Summer Reading Challenge 2022. This year the theme is Gadgeteers, Science is all around you! Please keep checking Seesaw for more information… (and make sure you know where your library card is!)