Menu taster sessions

Another good week has been enjoyed by all.  Members of the Leadership Team have been visiting classes to observe children’s learning – it is a pleasure to see how engaged and how much children enjoy their learning, I am very pleased to say that they are remembering lots – Well Done and Thank You to our staff!

I have been so impressed with how children have listened to and taken part in discussions with their teachers about events that are happening in Ukraine, we all participated in a very accessible assembly – Thank You to everyone for your donations.  We are deciding which charity we are going to support, I am looking for an organisation which prioritises support for children.

  • On Wednesday our Year 1 Hot Potato team competed in an event at Gallions Primary – thank you to all parents for being so patient for children’s return to school.
  • On Friday we all enjoyed Red Nose Day – again, thank you to everyone for your charitable donations and for dressing-up in so many ‘Hero’ themed costumes.

This week we are looking forward to Parents Evening (Tuesday and Wednesday), please make sure that you have ‘signed-up’ to meet your teacher to celebrate your children’s learning.  On Tuesday, Juniper – our catering provider will be offering menu taster sessions between 16:00 – 17:00, so please come and enjoy the food that your children eat at lunchtime.