Settling into Nursery!

The children in our Green Room have begun to settle and have done really well managing the transitions from home to nursery. They are building relationships with the nursery staff and are enjoying exploring the activities on offer. We have begun reading ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?’ and we are using this story to explore colours. The children will be mixing primary coloured paint to create new colours.

We have also begun using the soft play room on Tuesdays, which the children enjoy very much!

In Red and Blue Room we have welcomed back our returners who have been very helpful in assisting our new children to learn the nursery routines and to explore the activities on offer. Our new nursery children have been slowly arriving, ensuring that all children are happy and settled. This process has been working well and is still continuing.

We have been busy in the nursery focussing on making relationships with the children and placing them in Key Worker groups where we support the children in small groups for snack times and story time. We have been busy making up our own dance!